The Special Session Proposal should contain the following information:
- a title for the special session, the names and contact information of the organizer(s);
- a brief description of the session (up to half page);
- brief biographies of the session organizer(s) and their contact information;
- the type of special session: Regular or Invited.
Regular Special Sessions can include both papers initially listed by the special session organizers and papers proposed independently by an author during the submission procedure.
In the proposal, the organizers have to submit a list of minimum 3 tentative papers (with titles and authors). The Organizers can contribute with only one paper in their special session. The organizers’ contribution does not count toward reaching the minimum threshold of 3 papers.
Invited Special Sessions can include only papers listed by the special session organizers. This option has to be specified during the submission of the special session.
In the proposal, the organizers have to submit a list of a minimum of 6 papers (with titles and authors). The Organizers can contribute with only one paper in their special session. The organizers’ contribution does not count toward reaching the minimum threshold of 6 papers.
Special Session Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and the qualifications of the proposers. The Accepted Special Sessions Proposal will be listed on the conference website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals.
All the papers included in the special session proposal have to be regularly submitted. Only Special Sessions with at least 5 accepted papers will be inserted in the program and official website during the program definition.
The deadline for submission of the proposal is the 29th of February 2024. The acceptance of a special session and the opening of submission will be announced one week later.
To submit a special session proposal download the Special Session Proposal template, fill it and upload (in .doc or .pdf format) through the form below.